1-800-524-9243 603-753-4044  mail@capitolalarms.com
Home Security & Surveillance Business Security Products About Contact

Capitol Alarm Systems has everything your home or business needs to keep your property safe and within code!

In your own home, Capitol Alarm Systems can provide you with fire detection that will help alert you before the fire gets too serious to handle, and in some cases, before the fire actually begins!

Rental properties and businesses must comply with local and state laws pertaining to fire detection and fire suppression. Capitol Alarm Systems employs true professionals who can not only provide you with the guidance you need to be compliant, but will actually perform inspections and work with the local authorities to ensure you have all the fire detection and fire suppression equipment you need to be compliant and keep your residents, staff, and clientele safe!

Of course, Central Monitoring keeps watch over your property and business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year! Even when your property is uninhabited, Central Monitoring is watching out for your best interests.

Much more is available. Please call or email us to schedule an evaluation. We’re certain that you’ll be impressed with the level of professionalism and variety of our resources and services. 1-800-524-9243

Penacook Headquarters
37 Washington St.
Penacook, NH, 03303
Lancaster North Country Office
579 Main Street,
Lancaster NH, 03584
Also Serving the Upper Valley, and
Seacoast Regions
© 2025 Capitol Alarm Systems. All rights reserved  |  800.524.9243